Thursday, August 12, 2004

The deck of one of the comfortable, $200,000 + condos in my Seattle neighborhood has been sporting a communist flag (deep red with yellow hammer and sickle intertwined) for the past 2 months -- ever since the new tenant/owner moved in, I assume. Today, for the first time, I noticed that an American flag had been added to keep its Commie buddy company. It certainly doesn't look like anybody is concerned about the display. Which indicates three things:
a) the Cold War ended a looong time ago;
b) Seattle is Lefty Central;
c) Seattle is the epitome of whatever-dude-ism.
Before the display of the American flag, I had half a mind to call on the guy, in neighborly fashion, of course, and have a chat with him. But now I am positively creeped out.


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