Friday, September 09, 2005

take me home!

Yesterday we went to Chinook's with our friend Alex,
who is visiting from New York. As we were about to
walk into the restaurant, we saw a doggie tethered to
one of the pillars of the awning. He looked quite
forlorn, with his head drooping almost below his
shoulderblades, and we commented on the meanness of
leaving one's dog waiting outside while one is
stuffing themselves with food. As we were walking out
one a half hours later, the doggie was still there. He
was curled up on the pavement, looking lethargic, and
we had to stop by and say hello. He met Adam's initial
head scratching with a look that said "You are not
Master, yet I will begrudgingly accept your
scratching." After a few seconds he progressed to
"Your scratching is good, so I will allow myself to
indulge in this fleeting, ephemeral moment of
pleasurable human contact." After yet a few more
seconds, he lay on his side and exposed his belly,
signaling that he had understood that Adam is a
massage therapist. Finally, as Adam was rubbing his
belly and I was simultaneously scratching his head,
he looked at me as if to inquire "You wouldn't happen
to be in need of a dog, would you? I am cute, clean
and I don't lick my balls in public."
By the time we had pulled out of the parking lot I
swear that the doggie's gait was a little less droopy!

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