Monday, August 08, 2005

Dude! Had I known that adding a picture of a cute piglet would boost the number of hits I get to tens (tens!) daily, I would have made that move way sooner.
So, yes, I have been away for a long time. It's funny, every time that I blog after a long hiatus I feel compelled to provide a summary of what I've been up to, which is not necessarily fun and which diminishes my motivation to continue blogging. Oh well, here goes.
I got married! Adam and I eloped, and the marriage was officiated (and consummated) on his brother David's living room couch in Manhattan. It was spectacular!
We are making slow but steady progress on Mega Mansion. I am hoping that we will have most of the furniture we need and most of the boxes unpacked by the end of the year.
I am continuing to improve my level of physical fitness. I spent 15 minutes on the elliptical today, doing interval training, and it was a piece of cake! I've also been noticing that my heart rate barely budges by the time I've completed my daily walk up the hill to Broadway. As recently as 6 months ago I would have had to stop to catch my breath.
Speaking of fitness, I have also received my personal training certification study materials. While extremely interesting, the amount of information I will need become familiar with is considerable. I was thinking of taking my certification exam in November, but I might postpone it til spring. I'll see how it goes.
I've been tutoring a developmentally disabled sweetheart for 7 months now, and I think we have made some progress (he seems to be more comfortable reading and writing). More often than not, however, I am thinking that the best help I can offer is not increased literacy, but a couple hours a week of constructive neurological stimulation and interaction with somebody who doesn't treat him like a child.


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