Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I need sex. I am the proverbial insatiable woman, who expects her man to deliver a couple times a day (actually, although that would be very nice, I could settle for a quickie every day or more elaborate intercourse every other day). Adam has been busy the last few days (and has not been doing much other than staring at the computer; he looks pale and haggard; I worry) and I haven't been getting laid. I need sex!
I wonder what exactly goes into my sexual appetite, so to speak. The primary component is the fact that I physically enjoy intercourse (this is not a question of orgasming; that I can always do for myself): it is energizing; it is relaxing; semen has mild anti-depressant qualities. Then, there comes the fact that Adam turns me on: he looks a delightful combination of sweet and nasty, innocent and experienced, and that's really sexy. Then, there's the pill, on which I have been for the past month, and which makes me feel like I am making an investment here, and I need some returns!
Speaking of women and sex, I need to research for a philosophy paper which argues that women and men are indeed different -- both naturally and societally, but the latter because of the former. Also, I am considering writing a little piece on pornography for my Jesuit college's scholastic competition.


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